Capriate +39 3450002237 Dalmine +39 3311462063


Via Bizzarri, 12
Capriate San Gervasio (BG)
+39 3450002237

Viale Brembo, 2/A
Dalmine (BG)
+39 3311462063

Corso inglese ragazzi Dalmine Capriate

Anno nuovo, parti con il piede giusto, e riparti con Pingu’s English!

Corso inglese ragazzi Dalmine Capriate

Sono aperte le iscrizioni ai nostri corsi per bambini e ragazzi, questa volta non perdere l’occasione e fai partecipare tuo figlio alle lezioni di prova offerte nelle nostre sedi. Corso inglese ragazzi Dalmine Capriate

  • Da che età sono aperti i corsi Pingu’s English? dai 3 ai 12/13 anni
  • Che metodo viene adottato? per i piccoli pinguini fino ai 7/8 anni viene adottato il metodo Pingu’s English Little Learners e per i ragazzi dagli 8/9 anni inizia la preparazione ai prestigiosi esami Cambridge Assessment English, privilegiando le competenze orali, speaking & listening
  • Dove si svolgono i corsi? Presso le sedi Pingu’s English di Capriate San Gervasio e Dalmine Corso inglese ragazzi Dalmine Capriate

Dal 13 AL 19 GENNAIO le nostre sedi aprono le porte con una OPEN WEEK,

offrendo la possibilità di partecipare ad una lezione di prova gratuita e iscriversi ai nostri corsi in classe!

Le lezioni di prova sono SU PRENOTAZIONE e secondo disponibilità.

Scarica il calendario degli orari delle lezioni di prova delle sedi di Dalmine e Capriate:

Calendario lezioni di prova sede di Dalmine

Calendario lezioni di prova sede di Capriate


⇓ prenota la demo alla sede di CAPRIATE ⇓

⇓ prenota la demo alla sede di DALMINE ⇓

! Imperdibili anche i nostri LABORATORI e PARTIES del SABATO POMERIGGIO !

Scarica il nostro Calendario con le attività a.s. 2023/2024 e chiamaci o scrivici per INFO!

Le nostre scuole Pingu’s English offrono corsi pomeridiani (post scuola) a bambini, a frequenza mono, bisettimanale. Organizziamo anche attività di laboratori tematici mensili.

Il metodo utilizzato durante i corsi è il Metodo Pingu’s English Little Learners. Il metodo di apprendimento è stato studiato da Linguaphone (con esperienza da più di 100 anni) per bambini da 6 mesi a 12 anni, in modo che i bambini apprendano divertendosi. Attraverso questo approccio, Pingu’s English mette il bambino al centro del processo di apprendimento.

I corsi Pingu’s English per bimbi dai 3 fino a 7/8 anni si basano sulle avventure polari di Pingu che forniscono un contesto stimolante e colorato, rendendo l’apprendimento ancor più divertente ed efficace. Nel magico mondo di Pingu i bimbi imparano come per gioco.

Insegniamo al bambino a comunicare in inglese, privilegiando la produzione di frasi piuttosto che di singole parole e grazie al nostro metodo a spirale consolidiamo le competenze e aumentiamo l’autostima del bambino.

Dai 9 anni invece si passa al metodo di apprendimento per ragazzi dell’Università di Cambridge, attraverso materiale didattico che li accompagna, volendo, a sostenere gli esami (su 3 livelli: Per A1-Starters, A1-Movers e A2-Flyers) riconosciuti in tutto il mondo.


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Our students are very enthusiastic in studying at Pingu’s English. They always tell us how much fun and how much they learn here. Parents also keep saying how proud they are with the knowledge and improvements their children are making.

Willian Veloso Rocha

Pingu’s English Franchisee in State of São Paulo

Brazil is a huge Market and the preschool english education industry is growing very fast. All our franchisees are happy with the Pingu’s English methodology as well as the operational manuals Liguaphone offers to Unit Licensees. They feel very well assisted.

Ronaldo Vieira

Master Franchisee in State of Sao Paulo

I have being running my own school for 15 years. When I met Pingu’s English, it was love at first sight. Now I am offering the best English Course avaiable to my students and they are loving it as well as their parents. Thank you Pingu’s English!

Giedre Paula

Pingu’s English Franchisee in State of Mato Grosso do Sul

From our first training session in London 2009- from the academic side to customer service -we felt confident and well equipped with the necessary knowledge and skills to be successful Pingu’s English Master Licensees” At the moment, our services to all 23 networked schools across the country are effectively and efficiently backed by Pingu’s English.  No doubt that we see no limit to expand our business to cover 30,000+ schools in the near future!

Nipat Ungpakornkaew

Master Licence Thailand

Our Experience with Pingu’s English has been profitable and positive from the first year. We relied on their professionalism and heritage, their staff is always prompt to assist with the latest trends and ideas on the market. We were looking for a brand who can guarantee us quality and a solid method but at the same time would leave us the freedom and flexibility in order to succeed in our challenging and competitive market like the Italian one. We built Pingu’s English project in Italy by mixing their huge international experience in the English training with our knowledge of the Italian market. All this enabled us to do the right decision for our winning investment. Today we have over 40 Pingu’s English centres and thousands of happy children learning English

Daniele Arboit

Master Franchisee in Italy

We at the British Chamber of Commerce worked with Linguaphone Group to find them a new in-market partner for the Korean market. Throughout the engagement we had with Linguaphone Group, we found them to be passionate about education, supremely professional in their approach to business and both responsive and personable in their interactions with ourselves and Korean partners. Korean investors were attracted to the best-in-class program which Linguaphone Group offers, the strong reputation of the company and the heritage with which it is associated. These are qualities that resonate globally.

British Chamber Korea

 Sean Blakeley, BCCK CEO

Pingu’s English School is not just a school; it is as a second home for my kid. I like it when I see my kid growing and learning in a friendly and safe atmosphere. Most of all, I can see a lot of improvement in his English listening and speaking skills

Piyatida Tudteam

Student's Mother

We love Pingu’s English School because the school gives my son the opportunity to learn and develop different skills, especially English skills. He is excited every time to go to school and is always happy when he comes home.

Sapavoot Preedawipart

Student's Mother

Regarding the teaching method they use a figurative storytelling way of starting the lesson,  trying hard to involve the child and make the them curious about the situation. Tom is very happy to go to Pingu’s English because he perceives the School as a playful moment and not just as a learning moment while at the same time he is learning a new language


Students Mother

Now she is studying at Pingu’s English School, my daughter only wants to talk to me in English and she is always singing the songs.

Cristiane Doimo

Students mother

I knew about Pingu’s English School through a friend. After research about the school, I decided to enroll my daughter and it was one of the best things I could do to her. She loves studying at Pingu’s English and she cannot wait to the day of the class. I also love Pingu's English School, because there she learns by playing and I can see her progress day by day.

Léia Rodrigues

Students mother

Abbas always tells me that Pingu's English is the most fun he has all day. I am very glad that this place makes him feel that way and noticeably develop his language skills too


Students Father

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